The MEGASTROKE consortium, a large-scale international collaboration launched by the International Stroke Genetics Consortium, releases the summary statistics from the 2018 meta-analysis of Genome-wide Association (GWA) data in stroke and stroke subtypes to enable other researchers to explore these data for scientific purposes. The files include P-values, betas, and standard errors at all SNPs represented in MEGASTROKE.
Datafile Description
We provide results for the following two meta-analyses as detailed in the original MEGASTROKE publication (Malik et al., Nat Genet, 2018).

(1) a fixed-effects meta-analysis restricted to Europeans (40,585 cases; 406,111 controls).
(2) a fixed-effects trans-ethnic meta-analysis including all samples (67,162 cases; 454,450 controls).

Results for any stroke and for stroke subtypes are presented in separate files:
(1) any stroke = AS
(2) any ischemic stroke = AIS
(3) large artery stroke = LAS
(4) cardioembolic stroke = CES
(5) small vessel stroke = SVS

Each file contains the following information:

MarkerName: SNP rsID or chromosome:position if rsID not available
Allele1: Effect allele (coded allele)
Allele2: Non effect allele (non coded allele)
Freq1: Effect allele frequency
Effect: Overall estimated effect size for the effect allele
StdErr: Overall standard error for effect size estimate
P-value: Meta-analysis P-value using regression coefficients (beta and standard error)

We present results for SNPs passing the MEGASTROKE filters (n_cases > 50% and oevar_imp > 0.5). SNPs not passing these filters are not shown.
Rules for use of MEGASTROKE data for publications
1) Any publications utilizing MEGASTROKE data should include the following:

Please include the following sentence: “The MEGASTROKE project received funding from sources specified at"
Please list all MEGASTROKE authors appearing in the main author byline in the supplementary material of your manuscript.

Your manuscript (main text) should cite the following reference:
Malik et al. Multiancestry genome-wide association study of 520,000 subjects identifies 32 loci associated with stroke and stroke subtypes, Nature Genetics, 2018, 50 : 524-537. doi:10.1038/s41588-018-0058-3 [PubMed ID: 29531354]

2) The following secondary use of MEGASTROKE data is not authorized:
Data should not be used for research into the genetics of intelligence, education, social outcomes such as income, or potentially sensitive behavioral traits such as alcohol or drug addictions.